Shreyas Folk Museum

Shreyas Folk Museum

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Shreyas museums were created in 1974 to become a dynamic medium of learning. In a short spell of time, they were placed on the tourist map of India. They attract Indian and foreign students, scholars and art-lovers. The museums’ house objects that are gathered from all states of India, and from various countries. These objects are of ceremonial use, domestic use, masks, costumes, weapons, toys, musical instruments, and many handicrafts.

The Lokayatan Folk Museum, established in 1977, contains objects of crafts, utensils, domestic items, costumes and ceremonial objects from different communities and tribes in Gujarat. The collection contains exquisite pieces of colourful embroidery, beadwork, woodcarving, metalwork and leather work, which are documented and displayed with details of origin. With an aim to generate an appreciation of local heritage, this place educates students about the rich diversity of traditions and lifestyles in the state.

The Kalpana Mangaldas Balayatan Museum, established in 1982, has an extensive collection of Toys, Crafts and objects of performing arts from fifty-four states and countries. The highlight of this museum is the stupendous elephant skeleton. Other articles on display are puppets, masks, costumes, coins and toys. Special emphasis is on theatre and performing arts.

Kathani is a gallery of Shreyas Fairs and Festivals established in 2004. Participation in fairs and festivals is a valuable way to develop a sense of unity and brotherhood, understanding and appreciation of cultures. Shreyas has celebrated thirty-six festivals since 1952, focusing on various regions of the world. Kathani is a rich documentation of pictures and photographs of all the performances that were taken during fairs and festivals, comprising of puppet shows, stage shows, drama, shadow plays, folk and classical performances, dances, stalls and displays of arts, crafts and food stalls.

Shreyas Sangeet Vadyakhand is a gallery of musical instruments of India and other countries. Established in 1984, it is a repository of string instruments, bow, percussion and wind musical instruments used in classical and folk music.