Khecheopalri Lake

Khecheopalri Lake

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Khecheopalri Lake is situated at an altitude of 5,600ft and is estimated to be 3,500 years old. The name Khecheopalri literally translates to ‘heavenly abode of Padmasambhava’, the 8th century Buddhist master commonly believed to be the second Buddha. Even though the lake is surrounded by thick vegetation, there are no leaves on the surface of the waterbody. This is because the avifauna swoop down and keep the lake clear of leaves.

Prayer wheels along the wooden jetty lead you to the bank of Khecheopalri Lake. Numerous Tibetan prayer flags flutter in the wind and you feel as if you’ve walked into a magical kingdom. Khecheopalri Lake is also a pilgrimage site for both Buddhists and Hindus. Broad-leaved temperate trees and bamboo form a cluster around this lake making it a perfect recreational spot for travellers along the Buddhist religious circuit.